MSJ is now offering promotion prices for a few of our packages~!!!

Here are a few of them.

You can get a personal portfolio for only RM80~!!!
For that price you get:-
- 7 edited photos (other pictures in soft copy)
- an A4 photo
- 7 x 4R photos

For Family pictures, for only RM100, you will get:-
- 5 pictures(soft copy)
- one 8R photo
- 3 x A4 photos
- 10 x 2R pictures

For only RM180, you can also get a baby portrait package which includes:-
- a 4R album with 21 photos
- a free A3 poster
- 2 x 8R photos
- 12 x 2R photos
- Softcopy with a slideshow included

Lets not forget your pets~!!!
You will get 5 A3 photos and the softcopy for only RM100~!!!

For more details, call us at +6016 8103159 or email us at
Also feel free to visit MSJ Blog at